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Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Composition & Art Contest

The San Francisco Alliance of Black School Educators has hosted the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Composition and Art Contest.  This intellectual endeavor is grounded in the principles of hope, inclusivity, and access.



Written Composition Guidelines 

  • Students may submit an essay or original poem. 

  • All poems can be no more than 100 words.

  •  Cover page: 

    • Student’s Name 

    • Grade 

    • Teacher name 

    • Principal Name 

    • Telephone number

    • School Name

  • Kindergarten and 1st graders can submit a written response with a picture. 

  • 2nd grade through High School Essays typed (double-spaced, 12-point Times font, in black ink) 

  • Word Count Expectations 

    • Kindergarten - 1st Grade: 1-2 Sentences 

    • 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade: 1-2 Paragraphs 

    • 3rd Grade - 5th Grade: 3- 5 Paragraphs  

    • Middle School: 5 Paragraphs and 300 words 

    • High School: 5 Paragraphs and 400-500 words  


Art Guidelines 

  • 2-dimensional 

    • watercolor, poster paint, acrylic paint, color pencils, pen

    • at least 11” x 17”, but no larger than 20” x 30”

    • Images of collages, color, or black and white photographs are acceptable

    • Front of Art: Must have the signature of the student and the date completed

    • Back of Art: 

      • Student’s Name

      • Grade

      • Telephone number

      • School Name


  • 3-dimensional sculpture

    • Attach 

      • Student’s Name

      • Grade

      • Telephone number

      • School Name

      • Description or explanation of Artwork 

        • typed and double-spaced

        • Black ink

        • 12-point Times font


  • Still images (photographs)  

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